Summer Solstice Invocations, Limits of Perception Lab
June 21, 2020
Online conference in the framework of the exhibition Your country of two dimensions is not spatious enough. Limits of Percepion Lab at Savvy Contemporary, with Monica Narula, Lisa Randall, Ivana Franke, Sangeetha Menon, Juan-Andres Leon, Taita Juan Martín Jamioy Juajibio, Ida Momennejad, Elisabeth Tambwe, Sunčica Ostojić, Tomas Saraceno, Arlette Ndakoze and Israel Lopez. Moderated by Elena Agudio and Kelly Krugman
On the evening of the summer solstice, Ivana Franke and the curators of the LIMITS OF PERCEPTION LAB gather in the artist’s studio to connect with thinkers, scientists, philosophers of mind, and artists spaced at different latitudes and time frames to ponder the limits of our perception and navigate us into the extra dimensions of spacetime. On the longest and most luminous day of the year, under different skies and across disciplinary boundaries, artist Monica Narula (Raqs Media Collective), physicist Lisa Randall, philosopher of mind Sangeetha Menon, historian of science Juan-Andres Leon, shaman Taita Juan Martín Jamioy Juajibio, neuroscientist Ida Momennejad, curator Sunčica Ostojić, and artists Tomas Saraceno and Elisabeth Tambwe will deliberate with Ivana Franke, Arlette Ndakoze, Elena Agudio, Kelly Krugman and Israel Lopez on the possibility of thinking beyond the pervasive but quite possibly mistaken assumption that we live in a three-dimensional world. In an online performative and extra -disciplinary conversation, the participants will grapple with the possibility of cracking with some of our preconceived ideas of reality, lending it other dimensions that are decidedly of the otherwise, imaginary, and cosmic, and with SAVVY Contemporary’s investigation on the role of science in modern societies and its pretensions to objectivity, rationality, and universal truth.